Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Robotic Warfare in Colorado?

Because of the efforts of the Pinon Canyon Expansion Opposition Coalition (PCEOC), ranching and farming families, Rep. Wes McKinley, and others I’ve forgotten to mention, the Army’s expansion of the Pinon Canyon Maneuver Site has been put on hold. Current Status of the Expansion Battle here (pdf)

One question I’ve heard repeatedly is “Why does the Army want more land when they don’t fully utilize what they’ve got”. I’ve heard theories of water rights, helium domes and mineral rights, but until now I hadn’t heard one that seemed to fit.

Robotic Warfare

The advancement of Robotic Warfare (RW) in the US military has been in progress for decades. UAV, the drones, are active every day; the future is here.

Well, the Army needs more space to practice that kind of warfare. The entire south-east corner of the State of Colorado will do just fine, thank you.

That’s what I’ve heard. It seems to fit. It's AIR SPACE the Army is after.


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